

TRACIA provides its clients with extensive experience in the OIL and GAS, Energy sectors services operations across Asia-Pacific to Europe (mainly Hong Kong, countries in Asia-Pacific, Russia, Easter European countries and South America) – we want to bring that experience to the logistic services in this region

  • Able to provide guidance and add-value to customers in Europe through direct involvement in Asia Region of the clients’ companies and best practice sharing
  • Strong ability to attract top talent from other leading OIL and GAS, Energy sectors institutions to lead clients’ companies requirements and make necessary changes to drive growth

TRACIA works with clients in Europe and Asia-Pacific to develop realistic business and operational plans to become market leaders

  • To deliver the best returns for all stakeholders, we are willing to commit to operational efficiency in order to drive more adept solution for clients business growth

Bringing true operating experience to OIL and GAS, Energy sectors