

The OIL and GAS, Energy sectors and investment strategy that TRACIA adopts includes :

Deal sourcing

  • Utilizing TRACIA’s network to build and maintain substantial market share
  • Seek opportunities where TRACIA is able to influence a better solutions for OIL and GAS, Energy sectors operations

Value addition

  • Leverage the TRACIA’s operational expertise to drive profitable growth of clients’ OIL and GAS, Energy sectors services operations
  • Use TRACIA’s market relationships to attract efficient solutions in terms of OIL and GAS, Energy sectors and top talent to manage operations
  • Employ leverage when appropriate; offer flexible and attractive incentive structures

Risk management

  • Best practice sharing of operational risk management systems across all types of operations
  • Continuous assessment of market developments and develop new Investment opportunities

Bringing true operating experience to OIL and GAS, Energy sectors